Our Commitment

Uniting Church in Australia – SYNOD of Victoria and Tasmania

Keeping Children Safe: Our statement of commitment

This is a statement of our commitment to keeping children safe

We are committed to implementing the Keeping Children Safe Policy of the Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania.

We are committed to safeguarding children from abuse and neglect, and to promote child safety and well-being.

We will take appropriate action to protect children with whom we have contact from physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse and neglect.

We will work to ensure there is a clear awareness of the difference between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour.

We require clear boundaries between children and employees, volunteers, congregation members and people in specified ministries.

We will work to build the capacity of our people to recognise and respond to situations of abuse and neglect and to be aware of their responsibilities.

We encourage our people to raise, discuss and scrutinise concerns so that it becomes more difficult for abuse to occur and remain hidden.

We encourage children to express their views and make suggestions especially on matters that directly affect them.

We will teach children about their rights and what they can do if they feel unsafe or something is worrying them. We will listen to and act on any concerns children or others may raise with us.

We will develop and regularly review clear procedures to implement our commitment.

Formally Adopted at the Monash Uniting Church Council Meeting,

28th February 2017